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An exciting start to my day

5 Aug

Despite what I said in my last post, not everything about the radio is bad…

This morning on the way to work I was listening to a show and they were talking about how important it is for girls to play sports because of the friendships and teamwork it builds. I’ve never called in to a radio station before but I had such a strong opinion on this topic that I decided to call. I talked to the guy who was screening the calls and told him my point about how theatre is just as beneficial for girls (or anyone) as playing sports, and he said, “That’s a great point that no one’s made, I’ll put you on hold.” They were on a commercial break at that point and and I wasn’t sure how many people would be ahead of me, but then they came back and suddenly they were saying my name and I was on the radio!

I made my point and we had a nice little conversation about how I did theatre and competed in that in high school instead of sports. It was so exhilarating! If you’re ever listening to the radio and you have something to say, CALL IN! It’s a great feeling having your opinion heard.