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28 Jul

I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog this week: why I started it, who it’s for, what I should write about. Originally I created it because my friends were sick of hearing me talk about the GMAT and my business aspirations, so I didn’t give them (or anyone I know) the link. But I’ve figured out that 1) not many people are reading this, and 2) there are a lot of things I want to write about besides my life. After all, this is a blog, not a livejournal.

Therefore, I have decided to mix things up a little bit in terms of content and actually let people I know read this. I have a list of things I want to write about, so stayed tuned for new posts!

And so it begins…

13 Jul

…my journey from intern to CEO. Not at the company I work for now, just to be clear. Right now I’m a summer intern in logistics at a medical devices company, but one day I hope to start my own company. I’m only a junior in college, but I like thinking about my future career and business school and all that fun stuff. The problem is, none of my friends want to hear about it. Thus, I decided to start a blog! Maybe some of you out there will care enough to read it.

Stay tuned!