A little Sunday morning GMAT prep

18 Jul

I just took the Kaplan online diagnostic quiz that came with my book. I got 29/38 right…76%, not too bad for my first practice quiz, I think. I got a couple wrong in each section except sentence correction – I’m a grammar beast. 🙂 I made some stupid mistakes, and I really need to sloooow dooooown. I finished in 50 minutes, which averages out to a little over a minute for each question. Also, I’m pretty sure the questions were much easier than real GMAT questions, probably because it’s just a diagnostic quiz. So we’ll see how I do when I actually attempt a CAT (which won’t be for a while, since I want to go through the Kaplan book first).

Ok, that’s enough GMAT for today. Now on to my next challenge of the day…going to the gym!

One Response to “A little Sunday morning GMAT prep”

  1. GMAT ONLINE TEST August 17, 2010 at 12:56 am #

    Nice blog!!!…I hope i will get more good information from your post. Thanks my friend !

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